Hi there, is there any way to put the numbers above and not horizontally shifted? I assume there is something in the Engraving options, but couldn’t figure out. Many thanks in advance.
Have you tried putting both g and f into the same (upstem-)voice?
You’ll find all information on inputting and displaying fingering here:
Thanks for the link. Haven’t put them into the same voice as I’d like the lower note’s stem going down. But may try it with two different voice number and chaning stem direction manually…
I just stack these up manually if I want them both above the staff since Dorico doesn’t handle this well.
Are you happy with what Dorico is doing on the staff above in the left hand? I would place the fingering vertically below the bass voice.
I was considering this solution, but finally decided to do it manually as I originally planned. If it comes only a few time, and it does so, manual adjusting in engrave mode is affordable:)