First Cubase 14 PRO impression with two features (Win-11)

Hello all,

today I received the announcement of CB14 being available. Looking on Steinberg Homepage in “What’s New” in CB14, I found two new features that could be usefull for me:

  • Gain Staging
  • Range Tool
    Since I’m an “old school” musician focused on hand made music from the 70-ties and 80-ties, most of the other new additions are not of any use for me - but I understand, that I can not view a DAW only from my point of view.

Since 99 EUR for the update is an investment, I decided to install the 60 day trial version. Downloading and installing it went smooth and without any issues. I can run my CB13-PRO version in parallel with the CB14-PRO trial version.

I made a copy of one of my current projects (Audio and VSTi tracks in it) and opened that in CB14. It plays smooth and without any issues - no CPU spikes or ASIO overload. It loaded all intruments in Halion, Halion Sonic and Kontakt as they were in CB13. The only VSTi that it missed, is the SSD5 drums, which I had to re-assign.

I made some changes to a vocal track (following the example video for gain staging and range tool), saved and reopened the project in CB13 to check backward compatibility.
The changes were effective in CB13 so they did not get lost.

So thubs up on that :+1:.

Another user was complaining about no updates on the expression map tool.
I fully agree. I have created and I’m using expression maps for many VSTi’s I’m using.
(besides the Halion library, I also owe Absolute 6, Sample Tank 4 MAX, Kontakt 14 Ultimate and several stand allone VST instruments - though I’m a hobby musician who has just retired from my regular job :grin:).

For the moment, I will not purchase the CB14 update until I get suffucient confidence in the new version and at the end of the 60 day trial period, a first bug-fix version will be available.
I feel sorry that I missed the update of the new score editor. I used the score editor from CB PRO (not Dorico) for several years for writing scores for the brass section and the keyboarder in my last band and wished, it had seen this update earlier. Covid forced us to abandon that project.
Now I’m working on an oldies program where scores are no longer needed since I will not have a brass section any more.

So latest in Jan 2025 I will have to decide, if the two new features are worth the investment of that 100 EUR.

Please share your experience with CB14