At the end of the music I have a few problems. One is that there is excess spacing between some notes (see meas 59-60, 62-63). In the last few measures that layout did not expand to accomodate the text when I entered the text. How do I fix these problems and did I do something wrong when entering the final text so that it did not expand the spacing?
The System Break at 64 probably has “Wait for Next Break” checked in the PRoperties panel, meaning that it will put everything into one system, until the next Break.
I don’t really see a problem with the previous systems. (You might want ties or slurs between 59 and 60…?)
You called it! Unchecking the wait for system break took care of the problem. However, when I had set up the spoken text I had thought it would have been attached to the bar where I started it (based on what I read in the manual), but it seems that the text is floating and needs to be relocated if the layout changes. Is that correct or is there a way to attach text to a bar?
Hi @BobS,
text items exist (are attached to) at rhythmic positions.
Text items don’t influence the horizontal spacing.
To format the text as you need, you can use more/different line breaks in the text editor, or use manual Note Space Changes, to make the bars with text wider horizontally.
Put one NSC with customised settings at the beginning of the passage, to widen/shrink the spacing from there until end of flow (or until another active NSC occurs), and one NSC at the end of the passage that require whitening/shrinking, set to Reset (Tip: put the Reset one first, and then the other one, so it will be easier to see what happens)