Flattening arranger track C14.0.10: 'split event' and 'don't split event' not responding correctly

Issue: midi notes are not getting split as expected when flattening arranger track
The issue is shown in this video (playback starts at 5:00, where the result of the test is shown): https://youtu.be/Di3CebGvhm8?si=2Djcg5Ua-AUQTnB8&t=300

How to reproduce:

  • Create arranger event
  • Create midi event that’s bigger then the arranger event, on both sides
  • Draw midi notes within borders of arranger event + midi note that starts before and ends after the arranger event + midi note that starts before arranger event and ends within its borders + midi note that starts within the arranger event’s borders and ends after arranger event
  • Create arranger chain and flatten this chain twice, each in a new project: one where you check ‘don’t split events’ and one where you don’t check this option
  • Result for the midi notes in both new projects is the same, whereas the midi event should have been split differently when comparing the new projects

Can reproduce it. The option does not work as advertised by the manual. Neither does it seem to have any effect whatsoever on MIDI note events.

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