For Flexloop there are the following options for loop quantization (not sure if this term is accurate):
1/2 (BAR)
Loop end
Is it possible to add “Part end” here? E.g. if I have a loop that is spanning parts (by setting its duration longer that the part it starts with) and I click on a different part during looping, I would like the cursor to jump to that part when the current playing part is ending.
I also would like to have this behavior when the cursor is in an area where there is no looping defined. currently, in such areas the software only waits til the end of the bar no matter what is set for flexloop quantization.
Follow-up question: why did you decide to have flexloops somewhat independent of parts, e.g. flexloops seem to always start together with parts but can be shorter or longer? wouldn’t it be easier for preparing live arrangements to tie parts and flexloops together such that flexloops always start together with a part and always end together with the same or another part? If one would like to loop just a segment of a part, then one could just split that part into new parts matching the segment.
yes, that is on our list, and it makes perfect sense.
We discussed exactly that question and decided for this solution which is more flexible. We’re also considering a function in the Parts menu “FlexLoop duration to Part duration”.
My question is after my experiences, what am I doing wrong that sometimes
1, flexloop-duration == part-duration by default (when selecting it to flexloop)
2, while sometimes flexloop-duration is something random length that I never ever “set”?
When creating a new Song and a few Parts and assigning Part triggers, Part FlexLoop duration never changes. It is also not set to Part duration (given by distance to next Part trigger) by default, you can only set it manually (or when loading). How do you do that?
That’s correct! Meant something rather - when set PARTS afterwards optioning flexloop cycle qty. for a given PART - I usually get PART-lenght (for FlexCycleLngh), but in rare cases the-blue-stripe-above is giving 1BAR-lenght only. (After it set, no further change for sure.)
…Craisy, tested now… could have been showing this to you, I quickly started screen-rec to record all the steps… but could never ever reporduce this…
Coming next prerelease.
Note that it will be ignored when an infinite loop is active - for obvious reasons
Cannot reproduce that. If no loop is set, it will snap to current position plus snap beats, quantized to beats or bars, whichever selected. Do you have a step-by-step repro?
Following on the reply to this, upcoming version will also feature a menu entry “Parts/Loop to Part Duration”.
Ok, after some testing, I can validate your instruction! However, two aspects were contrary to my expectations:
Flexloop quantization “1/2” seems to actually mean quantization to QUARTER note beats (not beats per se, cause if I set time signature to 8/8 it is still QUARTER note beats). However, what I would expect from “1/2” is either quantization to 1/2 * Bar-length or quantization to HALF note beats. So could you rename that point to either “1/4” or “BEAT” with time signature consideration (my personal preference).
When the cursor is in an area where loop is not definied (“OFF”), it snaps to the next bar’s end for flexloop quantizations “4 BARS”, “2 BARS” and “1 BAR” and snaps to the next QUARTER note beat for “1/2” and “Loop end”. However, I would expect it to also snap to end of next 4 BARS- or 2 BARS-segment if this is selected for quantization.
Altogether, I would personally still prefer to have loop duration AND flexloop quantization set to part duration/end by default. My feeling is that this will be by far the most popular use case. Thus, it would speed up productivity and make usage of the software more intuitive for newbies.