Flow title spaced incorrectly

Hi folks, I’m working on a part with two instruments, and I’m getting a collision between the final bars of flow 1 and the title info for flow 2.

Any suggestions to fixing this?

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What are your flow heading margins set to in Layout Options, if there aren’t any local page or system spacing overrides on this page?

Dorico shouldn’t do that by default, which suggests some changed values or overrides are in play.

Ps great profile photo

Here’s the Layout Options… it’s not any different than the other parts I’ve done so far.

Hi @hautboisbaryton, can you upload the Dorico Project (maybe just that layout would be enough) to see what is going on? (Menu File > Export > Flows… and just check the flows and only that layout)

How full vertically is this page, what does the frame fullness indicator at the bottom left show? If it’s red and over 100%, that could be part of the issue.

But yes, sharing your project will be the quickest route to a diagnosis.

Manual Staff Spacing adjustments could also be a factor.