Flow Titles problem

I’d like the flow titles to use roman numbers with no dot.

“I Moment…”
“II Moment…”
“III Moment”

I can’t find a way to hide Dorico’s automatic numbering of the Flows.
Am I missing something ?

Go Engrave > Flow Headings > Default Flow Heading (right panel). Double click it to open the Flow Heading editor.
Replace the token {@flowNumber@} with the token {@flowNumberRomanLower@} and remove the appending period/full stop.
Apply and close.

Thanks very much!!

I looked all over. Is this info to be found anywhere in the user-manual?

The documentation tells you how to work with master pages in general, but it doesn’t (and can’t) answer every possible question about “how do I do this particular specific thing.”

It was in the last version of the Dorico 2 Version History, but it hasn’t made it into either the manual or the Tokens PDF. I’ll see if I can flag this one for Lillie, though I’m sure she’s exceedingly busy with the Dorico 3 manual right now.

Thank-you @Pianoleo

Yes that info should be available somewhere in the manual about Flow titles imo.

Lillie says “fret not, it’s already on the list” :wink:


“Fret not”?

Sounds as if she’s working on guitar tabs at the moment.

Not at present, that’s already done

It’s good someone is keeping tabs on this stuff

I’ll show myself out

Fine, Dan, just don’t lute the place on your way out.

Oh stop harping on about it, Derrek.

Too much pluck on my part?

This thread is finger-pickin’ good.

You guys are just stringing this thread along.

Yeah, but it’s gut fun while it lasts.

I was trying to think of a comeback, but the catgut my tongue.