Focused tracks?

Can someone tell me what exactly this is (in Montage view tab)? It seems like it could be useful to navigate up/down between selected tracks, but it seems to be greyed-out all the time. The little I could fine in the documentation is no help.


Same here. Seems like it could be useful but even in a montage with several montage tracks, the arrows are always greyed out and don’t do anything.

Maybe it’s broken?

Thanks– glad this one is not just me!

To be honest, I never really noticed this feature so maybe we’re both misunderstanding what it’s meant for. Maybe PG can weigh in to say if it’s broken or just not being used properly.

Seems broken to me.

Me neither–- but applying fades across several clips across multiple tracks is so clunky, I’m looking though everything. I I don’t understand why there isn’t basic track grouping (aside from clip groups). Ideas are welcome…

Yes. I have just gotten used to selecting all the clips that need a fade, and holding option while I perform the fade on one of the clips, then the fade is applied to all.

It’s been awhile since I looked around in WaveLab, but certainly a Pro Tools style track grouping would be useful (with easy shortcut to enable/disable grouping).

Would also be nice to “Bulk Paste” a unique fade curve from from one clip to another.

That would be OK, but getting a pre-defined length in all seems like it might be kind fiddly (?)– Like to make all fade-ins pretty exactly 20 ms. It might be a little nitpicky, but the point is an editor that does precision quickly.

Can someone tell me what exactly this is (in Montage view tab)? It seems like it could be useful to navigate up/down between selected tracks, but it seems to be greyed-out all the time.

Just checked. Indeed there is a bug. These arrows are used to select the previous or next track.
The shortcut (Tab / Shift + Tab) does not work (or only sometimes).
To be fixed.

I’ve re-assigned the shortcut & doesn’t work for me, also with toolbar command. Thanks for checking.