For trackball users 🖲️: how it’s like to edit midi notes

Hello, I would love to try a trackball for the first time but I wonder how it’s like to edit midi notes in the key editor with them ? Aren’t they slower for midi edit purposes ? (Notes and midi CC)

No slower. No faster. About the same, but a trackball.

Kensington slim blade.

Also have a SlimBlade Pro and also agree it’s probably not really faster or slower.
Needs some time to retrain yourself but still highly recommend!
Buttons and combinations (8x) are easy to reprogram for your needs.


Also Kensington: after gotten used to it, I’d say: I am not faster, but more accurate. Won’t change back to mouse.

But it takes some time.

you can get the Slimblade for really cheap sometimes. Use Camelcamel to track it. I’ve seen it low as $50us.

I have it and like it quite a bit. You can do a lot with the buttons (both individually and chording).

I also have an app installed (OSX) that with a multi-button press the top menu bar appears under your cursor so you don’t have to go all the way to the top of our huge monitors like some kind of cave-man.

I could never get used to trackball with my big 43´´ monitor for Cubase use, went back to a good mouse. I still use it with my laptop.

I’ve been using the Slim Blade for a couple of years now and LOVE it. I have 56" monitor and it makes it so easy to fly around projects. Being able to set the buttons for often-used tasks is really nice. It does take a bit of practice to get used to it but I will never go back to a traditional mouse when working in Cubase.


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I tried it, it was so very alien to me. I sold it straight away. I set the mouse to high speed and that feels pretty comfortable.

I picked up a trackball and it totally works for my hand and brain. It’s like being closer to the machine – less impedence. It is a huge time saver with all tasks and uses far less wrist movement. They don’t suit everyone though – this is my experience.

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