I’ve made good progress with understanding and using Force Duration. However, I’ve come across a problem I can’t solve—see screenshot. I want the note at which the arrow’s pointing to be expressed as an 8th tied to a dotted half note (please ignore the nonsensical fermata). So I tried reentering it as two notes—an 8th and then a force-duration dotted half note. So far so good! But then when I tie the 8th to the dotted half, said dotted half reverts to what you see on the screen. Anyone have any thoughts? Thanks!
Make sure Force Duration is applied to all of them, including the first 8th.
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I would
- select the note “e”
- hit the scissors or the u key
- then select the beam (including the tuplets and the first “e”), then force duration with o (the clamp symbol will show in blue)
- then select the second “e” and type 6 6 or 6 . (the note will turn into a dotted quarter, and the clamp symbol will show in blue)
- then select the first “e” again and hit t to tie the two notes, who will hopefully turn out the way you want them.
Thanks, both! What Ben said worked perfectly. KB—looks like you were more-or-less saying the same thing, but in a more step by step fashion. Great to know!
Peter, you put it into nice words - you could have also called my description “Dorico for dummies”…
The reason I went step by step is, sometimes things “go wrong” when using forced duration, and then it’s just a little step that caused it.
Oh, trust me, I’m a big fan of step-by-step directions! I didn’t end up needing them this time but much appreciated…