Force non-Condensing for a Phrase

Is there a way to force Dorico to NOT condense selected instruments for a short time? For example, I have 2 oboes playing different lines that cross over one another. I’d like to force two staves (one per instrument) for this phrase.

There are two ways:

  • A global setting in Notation Options > Condensing > Pitch Crossing.

  • Manual Condensing Change in Engrave mode. Select menu item Engrave > Condensing Change (enabled when a bar is selected). Select and enable the instrument group in the side bar and try the pitch crossing options or Manual condensing on the bottom. To leave the manual condensing region you have to create a second change which resets the modifications.

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I’m not finding anything that works so far. I’m going to restart here:

I would appreciate some help with condensing this instance. I have Oboes that, in one section, play differing rhythms and cross over each other. I’ve attached two screenshots. Screenshot #1 shows the line condensed without clearly showing the individual parts. Screenshot #2 shows the proper parts, but with poor handling of crossing parts (screen #3 shows my condensing settings). I’d really like the staves for Oboes 1 & 2 on these pages to separate and show the parts individually. Is there a way to get Dorico to do this? Is there another option for notating this?

Are you able to cut down the project to just the affected bars and instruments and attach it here so we can take a look at it? It’s really hard – not to mention time-consuming – to troubleshoot condensing problems by looking at pictures and guessing. If you can take a few minutes to make a copy of your project and cut it down to just the affected passage, then attach that here, we’ll be able to help you.

Absolutely! Sorry, I didn’t realize that was an option. I’ve attached an excerpt of the file. Thank you for your help!
Walnut - Score - Excerpt.dorico (1.1 MB)

Many thanks for attaching the project. The issue here is that Dorico only enforces the Maximum number of pitch crosses in region option in the Condensing page of Notation Options for phrases that start at the same rhythmic position. The phrases in your two oboe parts start offset from each other, so Dorico allows them to cross freely.

You have a couple of options to handle this. The lightest touch is to go into Engrave mode, and at the point where oboe 1 enters, create a condensing change, and simply check the checkbox in the left-hand column for the oboes condensing group: this is enough to say to Dorico, “a new phrase begins at this position”, and that will then cause it to enforce the pitch crossing rules.

If need be, you can go further and actively set up manual condensing to force a specific result.

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