Force tied notes to dotted note

Dorico is suddenly indicating dotted quarter notes as quarter tied to eighth (even on beat one or beat three). It was doing it correctly up til now. I’m unable to change the tied notes to a dotted quarter.

What is your time signature?
Have you checked your settings in Notation Options?

Thanks! 4/4,checked Notation Options. Unable to change quarter tied to an eighth to a dotted quarter on beat 3 bar 38.

Duet No. 3.dorico (1.2 MB)

The following setting in the Notation Options should lead to the desired result:

Welcome to the forum, @Evan_Solot!

My technique for correcting m. 38:

  1. Select tied note
  2. u (untie)
  3. Delete last eighth on beat 4.1
  4. o (force duration)
  5. . (add dot to quarter)
  6. (select eighth on beat 2.2)
  7. (Confirm that force duration is still invoked)
  8. t (tie)

Looks like a lot, but it’s much quicker than typing it out, of course.

(@Martin90, that was my first thought, but even setting it as you did quarter-tied-to-eighth still results. Perhaps I’m missing something…)

Someone else may have a better suggestion for this retroactive edit, however. EDIT: better solution below.

Yes, that’s right. This seems to be the same issue as reported in the post linked below. It’s somehow related to hidden time signatures after double barlines. If you unhide the time signature in bar 7 and confirm it with the popover, the note groupings are reassigned according to the notation options – but only until the next double barline.

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Good catch! I somewhat carelessly zipped directly to m. 38 and didn’t even scan to notice the double barline.

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I tried that but hit didn’t work. Thanks. The suggestion below (tho unwieldy) solved it!

Thanks, that solved it! A bit convoluted but it works! I didn’t understand the business below about the double carline problem. That sounds like a bug.

Try this and see how you like it:

  1. Shift + M add 4/4 time sig. in bar 7
  2. In the Properties Panel, hide the time sig
  3. With the notation option @Martin90 suggested above selected…
  4. …extending the beat-3 quarter by an eighth Opt + Shift + gives you the dotted quarter