Forcing duration line?

Hi! Brand-new Finale refugee here, so please be kind if I’m missing something obvious. :face_with_peeking_eye:

I’m working through the Udemy “Dorico: Complete Music Notation Course.” The course has been super helpful, even though it was created using Dorico 4 so there are a few outdated bits.

In Lesson 9, I’ve (successfully) created and used an “am Steg” playing technique with a dashed duration line—in every place except one. For some reason Dorico isn’t giving me duration line options for the one occurrence that’s attached to a long tied note. I tried also connecting the marking to the rest following the note, but Dorico still seems to think this particular occurrence has no duration:

Is this behaving differently because I’m using Dorico Version (Nov 18 2024)? Is there a way to force that line to appear?

Thanks in advance!

What happens if you just try to lengthen the PT with Shift Option Right arrow?

Or just delete that one, select one of the others, and Option-click to copy it to the new location?


It doesn’t have duration: you can see that the playing technique only has one attachment line, to its start position.

Playing techniques require duration in order to show a duration line.

Brilliant, @benwiggy ! Your first solution (Sh-Opt-🡆) worked like a charm! Thanks for the super-fast, super-helpful response! :smiling_face:

Just to clarify, @Lillie_Harris: it’s assigned duration when applied to a succession of different notes, but not a single held note, correct?