I use Cmd-Return/Enter for all sorts of things: closing dialog boxes, sending emails, etc. It’s so handy and common that I find myself trying to use it all the time… but it doesn’t work in Dorico.
I’d love for Cmd-Return to close active dialog boxes in Dorico. Please!
That’s interesting, on a mac for me I’ve only always used simply [return] – I’ve never even heard of [cmd-return]! I tested a few windows in Dorico, it seems simply [return] works in most of them, but [cmd-return] only works in a few sporadically (so yes, a good call for consistency!)
Do you mean Cmd-Enter? I use it for one thing : exit text entry mode when using staff text or system text. I used to click out but the results were really weird at some point (Dorico 4?) and cmd-enter exits the mode perfectly.
To be sure we’re not getting confused: Return is the one found in the compact-layout keyboards, Enter is the one found in the Numeric Keypad, right?
Dorico uses Cmd-Return to close the Comments dialogue as if one had clicked OK. Now that I try it, though, Cmd-Enter (with a good extension of a 9th or 10th on a piano!) seems to hit the Close button in the other dialogues! Brilliant Marc!
Ok. Well, I meant Return when I exit the text entry mode. It’s just that I always have been calling it Enter and I didn’t think it would behave differently crom the Enter key from the Numpad. I’m glad it does and solves things
The carriage return key is marked Return on Mac keyboards, Enter on Windows keyboards. The original Mac keyboard (without a numpad) also had a separate Enter key, which did not input a character, but was just for confirming entry – e.g. closing a cell in a spreadsheet, without moving the selection. Since the advent of “full” keyboards for Macs, the num-Enter key mostly doubles the function of the Return key unless programmed otherwise. I tend to say “Enter” on this forum because of Windows users.
In Dorico on Mac, ⌘Return closes the text editor window and some other dialogs. It is needed (and quite welcome) because of course Return inserts a newline.
I agree with Dan generally in that I would like to be able to close all dialogs from the keyboard by some keystroke. Both Sibelius and Dorico have always had very inconsistent user interface for this: Some dialogs require clicking a button even when it has a heavy outline. I have been complaining about this for over 20 years – Daniel S must be close to banning me right now – but the situation remains barely ever changed, implying that either they don’t care about such niceties, or it is somehow too difficult to achieve in the Qt environment.
Yes, some dialogs can be closed with Enter/Return, and some with Escape. But there are some that can’t. For example, Edit Single Lyric and Edit Names in Setup.
Is it a small thing? Of course. But the small things add up when you do them 200x or more a day.