FR Colorize Project Area Background Tracks individually

Hello everyone,
I have one simple UI feature request. It would be nice if it was possible to colorize just the Background of the Project Area like the color the Tracks have. That way, in post, where are lots of empty tracks from time to time, it would be far more clear to the eye on which track I am working on at the time without having to move the eye to the left of the screen. It should be handled with a opacity slider like all the other color selections so it can be just a lite faint of the color and not too cartoonish.

thanks a lot,



You can use Cycle Markers in the Marker Track, you can colorize them. You can put the to the upper part of the Divided Track List, to see them all the time. And you will also see the Cycle Marker borders lines going down to the rest of the project.

Hi, I mean vertical color separation in the Background.
edit: I mean horizontal separation :dizzy_face:

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I understand. See the attached screenshot, please.

You can see the Cycle Marker on the top (as it is in the top list, it will always stay present, regarding the vertical scrolling in the bottom list) and then you can see the verical lines down.

Ok… my brain is kind of dead right now… I mean horizontally :smiley:

My bad.

I’m going to photoshop something tonight. Can’t do it right now… in the middle of a project.

I second this request!

Specially since “scrolling while dragging” is so clunky and slow, very frequently I find myself dragging events from track to track with vertical zoom to the minimum, and it is very hard to discern which track is which when they are all empty. Having empty space have the tracks tint would help in this regard.

EDIT: hey, I just found in preferences that the option of having a horizontal line on the cursor is not always on! It just shows you which track you are on then you are dragging an event. Yay!

I have always looked down on this option due to thinking I would have a big horizontal line following me everywhere. =P

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I too second this request! Would be great to have a faint color horizontally matching the track colors.

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