(FR) Comping & Moving audio from track to track

I use Cubasis on my Ipad to record audio bass tracks and i have 2 questions.

  1. there is no “comping” function. Are you planning on a comping function for ipad?
  2. as a workaround for the missing function i usually record serveral takes to several tracks and do the editing afterwards. A standard action is therefore to move one snippet from one track to another making sure it stays at the same point in time.
    To do so i first have to snip the snippet at a good position, make sure, that the current play position stays and press copy, select the track i want to paste and make sure that there is no audio at the current play position (otherwise i jumps to the next “free” position - which kind of makes no sense for me.)
    Is there any smarter way to do so?
