FR: Filter divisi staves in galley view

While filtering is a welcome addition, it doesn’t solve one of the more annoying cases… namely when a (typically string part) has a short section with lots of divisi… your galley view is forever bloated by those non-existant staffs for the rest of the piece.


After you’ve created a divisi, you restore unison (where needed). And the divisi staves disappear from this point. Of course, the staff spacing remains. But the page is not crowded as you say :wink:

Hiding divisi staves was also among the first things I went looking for when the instrument filters -tool was released.

Imagine if at some point you want to have all of the strings in say div. a4. After that point the galley view is ruined! :grinning: It would be great if this could be solved with the filter instruments tool.

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I guess another solution would be to have those gaps caused by divisis dissappear when not in view.


And that’s the problem, especially when you’re trying, to say, compare two nominally adjacent staves.

The only approach that has helped me (in recopying existing music) is to defer the divisi passages till after I’ve got the rest of the music in. Add a comment at each one to help relocate them. But this is no help to composers.…

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You can also temporalily delete the divisi signposts and the notes will stay there (and even play back). But I don’t think that is the ideal workflow. Perhaps in layout settings there could be a (dangerous) button ”hide divisi staves”

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This is exactly the point! For a composer this is a basic need! I hope the developers are working on this.