FR: Filtered galley view and "Duplicate to Staff Above/Below"

So the new filter in galley view is one of the 4.0 improvements that I’m really enjoying … but there’s a bit of a miss.

It would be REALLY nice if Duplicate to Staff Above/Below respected the filtering, rather than duplicating onto a staff I have hidden


Thanks for reporting this – I’ll make a note of it and we’ll take a look when we can.


Though of course in Page View, being able to Move Notes to the next staff is a way to access non-visible instruments of the current Player. Hopefully a change to Galley View wouldn’t interfere with that.

It would be good if also when extending caret it would skip over any hidden instruments. At present it is possible to write for the filtered instruments without noticing it.

Good point, I do use this trick from time to time.

I’ll second this!