[FR] "Save as Template" exclude media



Still not there in Cubase 10.5 :frowning:






Would make templates twice as useful and more intuitive.

best regards,





It beggars belief that all these requests over many years appear to be consistently ignored by Steinberg!


In Nuendo 11, I wish there was an option to “exclude media” when" Save As Template" is selected.

There are several reasons why this is an important feature to have. Not the least of which is for safety from accidental erasing of files while tracking bands. And the huge convenience it will have when mixing multiple songs of an artist.

Thank you, Nuendo is great.

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Yes. So, So required always and ever +1

Yes, please.

Please add an “option” to exclude media when “Save as Template” is selected (check box?).

Thank you
Win10, N12.x

+1 please add this

Years and Years asking