FR / Small fix - a perfect automation fade requires an unnecessary empty bar

I have noticed quite often when doing a hairpin fade at the end of a piece, even a niente hairpin, they don’t get as quiet as I would like. Therefore I have been overriding with the wonderful automation lanes of CC1 and CC11.

It’s hard to explain but to reproduce, if you take any final staff with a whole note (or music which takes up the entire duration of the bar), and try to draw a manual automation point all the way down for CC1 or CC11, you technically have to go all the way to the bottom edge of the screen in order to truly have it fade out for the duration of the entire note. When you do this, Dorico will automatically assume you want another bar and so it will add one to accomodate for the “off-screen” automation point.

Then, if you delete this added bar or trim the flow, you will now delete your new automation point, so you’re back to where you started.

If you attempt to not cross the barline with automation, rather than add a new bar Dorico will simply return the automation to a higher value as shown here:

Obviously I don’t want this because you can actually hear the volume suddenly jump back up toward the very end of the note which sounds like a glitch.

So for now the only workaround I have found is to render audio with the extra bar, and then delete the bar for when I need to print or create a pdf, which I then usually have to undo to regain my automation (I’d prefer to save the project with that data intact).

It would be nice to be able to have automation not “spring back” up here at the end, or some other solution without needing an empty bar.