I just click at one end of the passage and Shift-click at the other. For a single tuplet I often click one note and Shift-arrow to get the others. You can even click a note and Shift-click the same note to include everything on that beat (such as lyrics). Sometimes I select a group of notes by the beam, and you can Shift-click that too. All of these get any tuplets in the process.
Yeah, I’ve acclimated myself to how they work in the last 4 years, but it still feels wrong that they don’t get selected using Select More on a note …
or when drag-selecting:
And as I mentioned it is different than how Finale works, as Finale just treats them like a duration when copying, so I imagine this will come up again in the near future as our recent Finale converts get bitten by this workflow.
Ah, and I forgot ⌘⇧→ to extend the selection by whole bars.
Not to mention having to show signposts when tuplets are automatically hidden. That one confused me for my first week using Dorico.
Also, when copying lyrics to a different staff, you have to include the tuplet number or they will not paste correctly.
Oh! That is basically what I was looking for. I use the beam selection technique all the time for smaller individual chunks of music. So if I have 4 8th notes beamed together and click the beam, I love that Dorico views them as a entire unit. Therefore by extension, I like to think of a 3 8th notes triplet as a unit, so I have been thrown off by the fact the “3” doesn’t get selected with the beam selection.
The fact that I can beam click select + shift key to get both together is very helpful. I still wish it wasn’t necessary haha, but I’ll take it!
I do agree with Fred that it would be nice to at least have the option for them to be added with drag-select and select-more.
If your drag includes the tuplet number, then they are selected.
That was sort of my point. To a musician (and Finale), the tuplet is part of the duration. It’s only to Dorico that it is its own entity. And depending on your Engraving Options, without signposts showing, it’s often not possible at all to even select the tuplet:
I didn’t drag this back up though, and after 4 years I’m certainly aware of how they work. I do think it’s not particularly logical though. We’re only a week now into the Finale mass conversion event and most users are still either fiddling around or working on XMLs. I bet this issue gets raised in another week or so when lack of tuplet copying starts destroying scores.
OT — Doctor Tuplet: “I shall destroy you!!!”