Freezing multiple tracks is super slow

Freezing multiple tracks (at once) is exponentially slower, so freezing the 10th track will be much slower than the first one. The slowdown isn’t when freezing a track, but in-between:

Here I had to wait more than 20 minutes!!

This means that freezing 20 tracks at once will be much slower than freezing them one by one.

Does anyone know the reason behind it?
This is just ridiculous

Well your CPU gets tired and needs a rest in-between.
Pretty much like we do. :sweat_smile:

Jokes aside, the batch freeze was meant to save you time, not add. So yes it is ridiculous.

But I am rarely freezing tracks so I am not sure if this is a standard behavior or if something’s wrong on your side.

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In Logic, you select all your tracks and set the freeze going - you see the cursor fast forwarding through the song and ALL the freezes are done in the same pass… so like 15 secs for a 3 min song.
Cubendo is seemingly handling this in a very unrefined manner.


Thanks guys

I hope people who usually do lots of freezing can share from their experience.

And I really hope Steinberg will do something about it, for existing users those things are much more crucial than some new cool stock plugins