From cubase 5 i can't upload video file why?

I see that with cubase 5 i can import a video file like .mov but from 6 to 7 cubase i can’t import.
In the menu there is the opportunity but don’t operate? Why?

Because from version 6.5 Cubase´s video handling was changed. All necessary info about it can be found in the knowledgebase, IIRC

I usually use a freebie tool to convert the supplied video to a quick time format in low-res. This method saves me any hassle with Cubase compatibility and the low res helps performance. I’d love to tell you what I convert to but I can’t remember and it’s been a long while since I did this. Also not in the studio right now…


Why a program like cubase don’t give some information when you try to import?
Please can you tell me where is write, where is knowladgebase about you speak?
let me know…

I agree, video import is still not terribly good. It would be useful if it told you specifically why it can’t import it. But I’ll bet its because the codec isn’t recognised.

Did you allow the installation to install QuickTime when you installed Cubase? This is needed otherwise it won’t work at all for any video I think.

I have used Handbrake in the past, this is a free video converter.


yes i allow quick time installation and on the computer i can see all video…
For see in cubase i convert in .mov file because i know is cubase friendly… but…