Future Steinberg hardware?

Dude thank-you - again! That put me on the right track to figuring that my templates (korg ms2000 and deepmind12d) in Components were incomplete.

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I’d like to see an updated UR28m & CC121, or combined Interface with controller, like Steinberg CL2 Plus


Seems like they did not get it to work with apple silicon.

If Steinberg spent half the time they do screwing with Cubase and put it into some cool hardware, man they would crush it. I sweet Steinberg midi controller or keyboard would be dope. Cubase users are quite loyal but Steinberg has never really excelled at hardware imo. Could you imagine Steinberg Monitors? That would be so cool…


It i strange that yamaha does not use the opportunity or that Steinberg does not. At the moment ProTools is king-of-hill and no one even tries to challenge that. Nuendo-nuage combo was at least in the pro area.
And Steinberg still does not want to let other do their work…

Many moons ago RME made a couple of audio interfaces that were Steinberg branded. I think their current line is made by Yamaha.

I’d be very interested in seeing that (current UR28M user, very happy with it).

What improvements did you have in mind?

My perception is that Yamaha leaves Steinberg fairly independent as long as the money is there. No, I don’t think Yamaha has injected big money for Steinberg software, and I doubt they ever will. It would be a nice surprise if that happened.

Look at Fender buying Presonus. Things are not going so well now with the new upgrade system…not to mention their most recent update.

Over time, some users advance and look over the fence to see that Control Room that looks pretty swell.

Look at what used to be called Cakewalk-Sonar now Bandlab. I’m confident Steinberg realizes how to run their business successfully despite a lot of arm-chair quarterbacks looking in from the outside. Secrets are important.

Do you have verifiable data to support ProTools is “king-of-hill” not to mention what that even means? Last I checked, DAW developers do not release their sales statistics to the public. ProTools has been called and maybe still is “industry standard.” However I see Cubase and ProTools as apples and oranges with overlap. IMO they got that “industry standard” because of how their paradigm worked in the past…not so much the present.

Why “challenge” PT if the money isn’t there? Didn’t Avid try subscription only and like Waves…change their mind?

Nuendo is for post audio work. I’m not sure I would consider Nuendo “pro” and Cubase not “pro.”

Do you mean outsource, or contract out? I think they do quite a bit of that.

I do remember Houston, and that didn’t go down very well.

I was at ISE Barcelona past week talking with a Yamaha product specialist about controllers from Yamaha to Steinberg products. He confirmed me that there’s nothing expected from Yamaha. We talked about Nuage (discontinued because no chips available) and the support offered from Yamaha to products like DM2000, wich continues working very well with Nuendo and Cubase. Otherwise DM7 seems not to be supported in order to get deep DAW integration and no updates expected.

Still loving my Yamaha N12 Firewire mixer which is still fully integrated in Cubase 13. Wished that this type of mixer was further developed.

I’m considering the Nektar Panorama CS12 controller

I think Steinberg DAW Controller CC121 was a very successful production, what I expect in the future is a more advanced version of CC121.

It would be enough that he worries about the updates of my AXR4