Gain Value in Mixer Is Not Shown - Why?

When I display the Pre-Gain in the Mixer Console, the Gain Value doesn’t show unless I hover over the value field. Like so:

Why is this? It makes no sense.

When performing Gain staging I often need to reduce levels on multiple tracks at once (to avoid clipping etc), and when doing further balancing it is important to be able to see the Gain values (especially when adjusting multiple tracks at once with SHIFT-ALT pressed, which is when I want to avoid making “overlapping” selections of tracks which have already been adjusted, aso)

Same silly thing with the Editor’s knob (Gain value not visible unless clicking on the value-field.):
image image

All other values (filters) are always visible, which is sometimes useful yes, but it is the Gain values I want to see in 100% of all cases. Strange priorities.



It’s in the Pre section.

In the mixer, you can right-click into the Pre section and select Show Pre as > Separate Label and Setting from the context menu. Then the height of the sliders increases and they show their current values.



Wow, thank you! That was exactly what I wanted to see.


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Didn’t I already post a picture showing the Pre-Section? (Yes I did).

But it was too much of an effort to explain how that thing works? (Yes, it was.)

Strange. Very strange.

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