Generic Remote - Change midi insert preset


Is there a way to change the midi track preset to a special one via a remote command ?

Thanks in advance,
Have a good day,

Hi and welcome on the forum,

Unfortunately this is not possible. You have only Previous- and Next Preset option in the Generic Remote Device (same in the Key Commands). You cannot call specific preset this way.


Thanks for the answer and the greetings…

I managed to do it for three preset but i have a bug:

The quick control don’t refresh correctly in the midi quick control, so i need first to remove all assignation then reload the preset in order for them to be set correctly, if i try without removing the new assignation first i got a crash window, plus sound freeze for 2s before being able to cancel the crash windows and continue the work.

And it didn’t seem to have a remote command for the remove all assigned qc virtual button…

Have a good day,


Could you describe step by step the bug, please? And could you attach the crash/dmp file, please?


It’s an older version so it’s perhaps corrected now but:

You need to have at least two preset with midi effect and QC assigned to them stored
Also the Qc must be remote.

Preset 1 Modifier
Preset 2 Arp sx

QC1 assignement for the midi modifer should use transpose.
QC1 assignement for the arp should use Type

Ps:i have assigned the 8 Qc for the two don’t kow if it change something if you assign just one.

After that select preset 1.
Remote play with qc 1
Select Preset 2
Remote play with qc 1

A crash windows appears.

If you remove the qc, or reset the insert , before loading the preset it works.

I’ve found a midi remote command “reset insert”.
But after i need to confirm and select the preset so i wanted to do a macro and midi remote it if possible, but the reset midi ins .effect isn’t listed in the key command only in the midi mixer in the generic remote mapping.

Is it possible to add the command for using it with a key in order to insert it in the macro somewhere in the xml files?

Hi have a dump file, but don’t know how to attach it to the post…

Thanks in advance,
Have a good day,


Attach the DMP file, please.


Here is the Crash file.
I managed to do it by adding an empty preset which i use before the one i want to select, macro, and generic remote assignations
It seems to work…

Cubase 64bit 2021.8.1 20.36.dmp (74.6 KB)

Thanks in advance,
Have a good day,


Sorry, I didn’t know it’s Cubase 7.5. I cannot resolve such an old dmp file, sorry.


No problem, it works now.

Have a good day,

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