getting "Missing Fonts" (bug?) every time I open

Your attachment shows that there is a font style called “Wingdings” which uses the font “Wingdings”. This is strange as you cannot add your own “font style”, as far as I know. And there is no font style called “Wingdings” in Dorico’s by default. So how did you manage to get this new font style?


Font style or Paragraph style? You can create your own custom paragraph styles.

The attachment shows “Schriftstile” which is German for “font styles” in English.


Thanks again for the quick help.
Enclosed the project.
Vorlage (1.83 MB)

Thomas, if you create a custom Playing Technique that uses a font glyph, and that glyph is taken from the Wingdings font, a font style called Wingdings will appear in the Font Styles dialog.

I can’t immediately think of a situation where Dorico would allow you to pull a glyph from a font weight that doesn’t exist, though.

…and sure enough there are a load of custom playing techniques that use glyphs from Wingdings. Again, I don’t know why this would prompt the dialog.

For your information:
In Dorico 2 I created my own playing techniques, maybe it has something to do with them!

Thanks for explaing it – I didn’t know that!


The thing that I didn’t know, that I now do know, is that if you want Playing Techniques that use glyphs from a font’s Italic or Bold variants, the solution is to add them the usual way, then dig into Engrave > Font Styles and set the underlying font style to use its Italic or Bold variant.
This knowledge would have been useful with regard to some previous threads.

The issue here is that the font style doesn’t actually define the ‘Regular’ style, so it’s just looking for “Wingdings” with no named style. We’ll tighten this up so that it doesn’t report a missing font in this circumstance. In the meantime, going to the Engrave > Font Styles dialog and editing the “Wingdings” font style so that it actually does set the “Regular” named style (e.g. by first editing it to “Italic”, OKing the dialog, then returning to set it back to “Regular”) will take care of it.

I’ve been getting the same message regarding my own G-clef and Maestro finger numbers that replaced Bravura in the musical Symbol editor during a trial of Dorico 2. But they showed up correctly in Dorico 3 despite the ominous message.

However, I can’t find where the new font is identified in the music symbol editor. It just says Bravura at “Font:” and the font is not checked in the list.

The font isn’t identifiable within the Music Symbols Editor once you’ve actually added the glyph.

Thanks, pianoleo. I was afraid of that. It isn’t a good thing.

Hello, Daniel,

Thanks for the proposal, but it doesn’t work.
There are no other choices in the font style, see appendix.

I leave the testing of Dorico and wait for the next update.

There are still too many bugs in Dorico 3, too bad!


Klaus, if you are experiencing bugs in Dorico 3, please report them so you can be sure we know about the problems, and can potentially help you to solve or work around them.

Klaus, when Dorico tells you about the missing font, simply click OK. Then, after your document is loaded, go to Notensatz → Schriftstile (Engraving → Font styles), select the font style “Wingdings” and then do what Daniel suggested: Choose kursiv (italics) and then normal (regular) as style. Save your document. In my case Dorico doesn’t complain about a missing font when reopening it.

Yes, there have been some bugs in Dorico 3.0 and maybe there are some in the current version. But I never used any software where I could have such a direct contact to the developers as with Dorico. Any bug the team is aware of, will be removed as fast as they can. In Finale there are some really serious bugs for more than 20 years.


I continue to have this problem and it now seems, for some strange reason, that the Halion Player will not open at all with my Petaluma files. I have no playback from these files and have to force quit :frowning:

I spent two hours today trying to do what Daniel has suggested to no avail, I still get the error message.

Not sure what to do…

To try to resuscitate playback in those projects, go to Play > Playback Template, re-choose ‘HSSE+HSO (Pro)’ and click Apply and Close. That should cause Dorico to re-load all of the sounds etc.

Thanks Daniel, will try this tomorrow.

I really appreciate all of your hard work.


Hi Daniel,

That did work after a second attempt, thank you :slight_smile:

I am still getting the font problem, can’t seem to get that to go away…
