Getting more midi sends slots?

I use steven slate trigger plugin and superior drummer 2.2 for my drum sounds.
Basically it’s two drum sound replacer software, but trigger does only one instrument per plugin.
Lets say i record my V-Drums midi out into Cubase on a midi track.
Then i want to build a drumkit using 6 instances of trigger. 1 for the kick, 1 for the snare, 4 for the toms, and also 1 instance of superior drummer for all the cymbals.
Cubase midi tracks got 1 output and 4 sends, but i need about 7 outputs for the midi track.
Is there a workaround for this? Like a midi plugin that adds more send slots? Or somekind of sidechain with midi tracks?
I don’t want to split my midi track in two since editing with be more complex to do…

HI Auster,

I’m not a drummer so, forgive me if I miss the mark here.

I _think this might work for you.

  1. After you’ve captured your MIDI performance, select the track and then under the “MIDI” menu, select “disolve part”. You’ll want to then choose “seperate pitches”. This will give you each drum in its own MIDI track.
  2. This should let you do whatever you want to each track on its own.
  3. Now, (to answer your concern about complex editing?) select all of the tracks (hold shift and click) then right click and choose: “Move selected tracks to new folder”.
  4. Enable “group editing” on the new folder by clicking on the three little bars icon.

    I think this should let you do all of the ‘track by track’ stuff you want to, and still edit the performance as a whole. Please let me know if this doesn’t solve your problem and we’ll dig a little deeper!

    Hope this helps!


Can you not create a Drum Map? …
Load an instance (or rather, as many instances as you need) of the Steven Slate plugin and/or Superior Drummer into the various slots of the VSTi rack.
Activate a Drum Map (e.g. the GM map) for the MIDI track (its actual MIDI output won’t be important :wink: ), and click on Drum Map Setup…
When the Drum Map window opens, in the column marked “Output” (where, by default, it reads “Track” for each drum element), select, instead, the VSTi instrument of your choice.
(having said all that, I’ve never actually tried it myself :blush:, but I think it will work :wink: )
The beauty of all that, is that your are working on just a single MIDI track :wink:.

Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice!!! I just tried and it works very well.
Merci Vic! Your help is appreciated, i think Steinberg should hire you! :slight_smile:

Thanks walter too, while i was on cubase3 and cubase 5 i had thought about the dissolve part solution, but editing as a whole wasen’t doable yet, so it was too much hassle to edit. I’ll try on C6 with the group editing to see how it goes!