Hello all! I’m needing some assistance in creating the screenshot below. The screenshot that has the orange rest is the one I’ve done in Dorico. As you can tell it’s not the same as the other screenshot (the one I’m wanting to achieve). I’m needing to place a glissando on the half note before the half rest. I’ve tried using the jazz glissando, but Dorico wants to attach the glissando to the next available note. I’ve also tried the following; placing a note in voice two, hiding the notehead, stem, and ledger line, and suppressing the second note for playback (playback is VERY important to me) and nothing is working. Am I doing something wrong to achieve what I’m wanting to achieve? Thanks so much for your help!
I couldn’t find a “jazz glissando”, I used “smooth fall”:
Whether it is played back depends on the VST used.
The jazz glissando is right above the reset button in the jazz section.
As you can see in my GIF I used this.
As I understand it, a glissando always requires two notes.
Yes, I saw what you used. I was just saying what I’ve been using to try and accomplish what’s in the one screenshot I uploaded to my post. I was also telling you where the jazz glissando was as well.
Glissando lines have to have an end note, unlike jazz articulations which just appear on a single note.
You could input a grace note attached to the minim rest, add the glissando line between those 2 notes (select them both explicitly first), then hide both the stem and notehead of the grace note.
So, do I just add the grace note before the half rest like I normally would? I’ve never added a grace note to a rest before.
You can indeed add a grace note before a rest, in the same way as adding a grace note before a regular note.
Daniel! Hope all is well! Lillie, your wisdom never fails! That works, but playback for the gliss. still doesn’t sadly. Doesn’t the HALion Sonic library support glissandos?
In general, you can hear smooth (i.e. MIDI pitch bend) glissandos for intervals up to two whole steps (tones), and for larger intervals, you will then hear an approximation using discrete pitches describing a chromatic scale between the source and destination notes.
Yeah, I’m not hearing anything.
If it matters, I’m using the [GM 072] Clarinet sound.
I think Dorico can’t play back a glissando between a regular note and a grace note, so you will need a regular rhythmic note for the destination of the glissando.
So, what would you consider I do for playback?
I would suggest you use a regular note (with hidden notehead and stem) in another voice, so that you can still show the correct rests.
Which I was trying to do, but Dorico still wanted to attach the gliss. from the half note before the half rest to the next available note in voice 1.
This is what happens when I insert a second voice, select the G in voice one, and add a glissando. I tried selecting the G and the D, then adding the glissando, but the glissando doesn’t appear.
I found that this configuration produced a (diatonic) gliss on a violin (in Kontakt).
I had to scroll the Properties (in Engrave mode) to the right to see the hide-notehead and hide-stem options.
In NotePerformer (with its Playback Template selected) I can (as expected) get a smooth gliss on the violin.
Not everyone has NotePerformer…