"Go To" not positioning correctly

The help file says that after invoking Go To, “Dorico Pro automatically positions the top staff towards the top left of the music area.”

I’m finding that not to be the case. Most of the time, Dorico seems to position the bottom staff towards the bottom of the music area. Sometimes it does position correctly; I haven’t been able to work out whether there’s a pattern or a condition that triggers this. I’m seeing this behavior in Write mode in both Galley and Page view; I haven’t tried other modes.

(Personally, I would prefer that Dorico try to keep in view the same staves that are currently in view, but that’s a different issue. :slight_smile: )

Dorico 5.1 on Windows.

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FWIW, it seems that if I’m initially positioned near the top staff, then after Go To I’m positioned near the bottom staff (as the GIF above shows), and vice versa.