Going back to 5.1.

I still could leave the track in the ‘hidden’ folder and just edit eq’s etc. via the output mixer’s switches

Yes indeed you can, BUT… a good mixing includes, levelling & EQing & Compressing Track by track, not over the general output, so you need to put hands on the Audio Channel of your MIDI-Track.
E.G. If it’s a bassline you would want to cut-off the frequency below 100Hz and above 10kHz to not to interfere with the BassDrum… but the bassline should be cut-off below 20Hz and above 10kHz. So EQing is done better track by track

Also if you are applying reverbs etc. to the channel’s inserts it is sometimes better to fade ‘pre’ reverb, whereas changing the output channel would also change the level of effect, which isn’t always required.

reverb & delay (as example for CPU-consuming plugins) are better used with sends than inserts. You just make an FX track, put the reverb/delay whatsoever in (one effect per track) and adjust the send-volumes of the tracks you want to have this effect used. within the send effects you can then control if you want the track send it’s signal (prefader, meaning as it is recorded, or postfader, meaning having applied fadings and inserts).

for reverb specially I recommend using it as send effect. Like this oyu just load one reverb-plugin into our cubase for your whole project…

Lot’s of possibilities on how to solve these issues anyway…

cheers :wink:

Here is an example. I want to use Halion with 10 midi tracks of drums. I want the same level of reverb on all the drums, and I want all the drums to come out of just two tracks so i can distort them but I want the drums to have different levels and pans pre reverb and distortion.

Also what are we supposed to do with external instruments where the ONLY way of changing a parts volume is with midi messages? This is a BUG face it!!

Either way how you work is irrelevant. The point is that previous versions of cubase sent the volumes out properly and 5.5 onwards doesn’t. Steinberg should not have a MIDI volume function if it doesn’t work. If they are going to remove MIDI volume then they should remove it completely and inform customers, not leave a function that doesn’t work… and especially not change the way a function works so that you can’t load previous projects. Backwards compatibility is the main area where Logic blows Cubase out of the water… If it didn’t give me massive eye strain I’d go over to logic like a shot… sorry to dis Steiny but I’ve had many years of dealing with Cubase bugs. For me the level of bugginess at Cubase’s maturity is just a massive joke… the reason for it is a clear lack of any kind of bug reporting/processing system. The number of bugs reported by users which haven’t been sorted in 5.5.3 is laughable…

Hey again Chrisy

I’ve read over your posts and see your annoyance that previous working features are no longer functioning. I’m not on mac so I don’t have the luxury of comparing other programs like Logic but it is an interesting point about external instruments.

So is there a workaround you’ve discovered?

I’ve got cubase on both PC and mac.

My workaround is to either go back to 5.1 where it seems to mostly work, or to go through the slow and painful process of individually adding automation to EVERY midi track in the 50 or so projects I am working on at the moment. For me this is a show stopper.

Adding automation is a pain in the arse as I like to set my levels with an external controller. The controller sets the midi volume level of the track. This means i can make minute adjustments at any point without having to hit the write button. I can just select the track and move my Korg Kontrol fader. in 5.1 this was fine but in 5.5 when I save and reload the project, as the MIDI message isn’t sent on opening the project, I have to go through every track and re-adjust every volume. But strangely not with pans… this is a bug no two ways about it…

I thought one of the ideas around version 5 was the concept of universal and interchangeable midi/program automation.

If I am right can you not simply record a MIDI controller, say CC7 and convert it to regular automation somehow?

Yes you can. Please read the previous post. You can hit the write button to record volume automation.

So you say 5.5.1 is good? But you are on mac and I on pc, so maybe the pc side is not worth looking at. Any pc users out there who have used 5.5.1?[/quote]

simply rocking on the PC

Hi Chris,

I made a cubase 5.5.3 project (should open in 5.1), trying to reproduce what you want but with new suggestions, so please check if I got your idea right:
10 HalionOnes with different drumkits
audio-signals are routed to one group channel (which is muted)
every single HalionOne has a send effect (postfader (which means panorama and volume of the track is taken into account)) which is sent to an fx-track with a reverb in (you can say how much of each HALionOne is going to be reverebed by fading the small green bar in the sends)

isn’t that what you look for?
additionally you could also put the reverb in the groupchannel track and delete all sends & the FX track
or delete all sends and put one send in the group-track routed to the FX track…
many elegant solutions for your problem…

If I got your idea right, there’s no need to mess with MIDI Volumes :wink:
If I got it wrong please explain what I’m missing…
Reouting.cpr (499 KB)

Oh my God.

Listen of course there are a billion ways of routing effect etc, in cubase but that’s not the point. This is a bug which I have reported. Cubase SHOULD send out a Midi signal of every volume and pan from every track when it loads, end of… especially if you are using external midi equipment and it doesn’t… this is a bug… it’s like you guys are in denial or something!!! :open_mouth:

:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: I got that one Chris :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

When was the last time I used the worg bug or not bug? I am not discussing on this one.
I was just trying to be friendly showing a workaround which, by the way, is from a signal-routing perspective, better.
That’s all, no denial nor neglecting (I by the way nearly never use MIDI volume)…

But by the way as we’re at this point: patch selection has a similar issue. Not always when you select a patch in the Instrument part it gets also selected in the instruments (specially external ones). Not only because of a bug in Cubase, but also because sometimes MIDI signals can get lost (like NoteOff)…
That’s why for example for patch selections, it is highly recommended to introduce a manual BankSelect(MSB), BankSelect (LSB) and ProgramChange (at the beginning of every external instrument track specially)

Sorry to get snotty it’s just I’m very well aware of how Cubase is set up. Understand every conceivable way it can be used. I’ve been using it since it was on Atari.

I was just pointing out a fundamental bug in the program. Fundamentally my songs sound different in 5.5 to 5.1. This is not good. The reason for it is a bug end of…

Now how about Steinberg doing something about it?

They seem to have released their final version of 5 already so I guess it’s too late…

I think I’m going back to 5.1. I see no benefit to 5.5, only problems with changed key command operations (with no known way to change one in particular), tool menu, and preset handling. What a joke.

K so I’ve upgraded to 5.5.3 and the midi voluimes thing is very puzzling. I think it’s to do with automation… :unamused: