Gould DS/DC al Coda

The repeat marks for Gould DS/DC al Coda look strange (see images). Are they correct?


Yes, they are indeed. If you have a copy of “Behind Bars” you can read all about the very wordy recommendations she has on page 238 following.

Ok. Thanks. I don’t have a copy of the book and I’ve never seen them like that.

No, I must confess that I haven’t either, but I think the shortened forms many of us are more familiar with are sort of corruptions or at least abbreviations of the fuller, more correct Italian phrases.

Reading the two pages in Gould, she recommends putting the text (like D.C.) below the stave (except for vocal parts).
Now that I have never seen before, and I’m glad you didn’t follow the recommendation in Dorico.

We can do it – there’s an option in Layout Options to do this if that’s what takes your fancy.

Is there (or will there be) an option to italicize the font for Fine and DC al Coda? Sorry if I missed this.

You should be able to do that by editing the ‘Repeat Marker Sections’ paragraph style in Engrave > Paragraph Styles.