Grace notes and XML import

A recent XML import from Finale was pretty successful…except for the grace notes. The stems/beams change in Engrave mode when I change the scale in the dropdown menu (normal, grace, cue, cue grace) but the noteheads remain full size. I’ve tried just selecting the noteheads or everything (noteheads, stems, beams) but the noteheads remain the same size. I deleted the grace notes and recreated them, but had the same issue.
I created some grace notes in a document I created in Dorico, and everything works as expected. So there is something in the import that’s messing me up. Thoughts on how to correct it?

Can you attach the project itself here so we can take a look?

Figured it out (finally!). I had trouble both with the grace notes and getting the staff labels to have two vertical names on one staff (I kept getting SA instead of:

Both issues were apparently due to the exported file from Finale. I went to Export XML and then just clicked on Export. However the document extension was .mxl. I did another export, this time making the adjustment in the Format dropdown menu at the bottom to Compressed MusicXML File. It exported as .musicxml and everything works fine!