Grace notes at the end of a trill

I noted this thread: For future version of Dorico: turns at end of trill, and grace notes
but it seems–from other threads that the query suggests–that there is a way to enter grace notes at the end of a trill, i.e. before the barline. Is that right?

This one is easy. You enter those grace notes after the bar line, select them, and down there in the Properties Panel a category called Grace Notes will magically appear. There is an option to select Grace notes before bar line. That does it!

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Thank you. Easy is what we like :slight_smile:

Me too. :grinning:

yes, the original post which you reference wasn’t asking about putting grace notes before the barline, which is (as you’ve discovered) doable in Dorico.

The original issue (which is not yet addressed by the developers, but hopefully will be soon) is when one needs grace notes at the end of a measure (ie: before the barline) AS WELL AS after the barline in the next measure.

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