I have two grace notes after a trill before a barline; all fine but when I change this barline into a repeat it moves the grace notes after the repeat barline. I have set the properties below correctly for both notes.
Any ideas, I searched the forum but no luck.
I would like the barline at the end of a system to be closed; it was on the list of things to be done a year ago.
Any news on this matter?
There is a “before the barline” option in the grace notes properties, but you are right: it does not work with repeat barlines? I agree that it should be possible to move grace notes before the repeat barline for those situations in which the music demands it.
A variant on the old Sibelius workaround works quite well for me: Add your grace notes to a dummy 1/16 note in a different voice at the end of the bar. Hide the notehead/stem and suppress playback. Remove rests. Nudge the graces to the right.