grace period cubase AI

hi, i just buy the last week a yamaha keyboard, and activated just 5 days ago. But now today you guys have realeased new cubase 10. I bought the keybord and now, come on. Search and dont have grace period? this is my licence number 5408906162 - F938341359. So i have to buy another keyboard? to be updated? why cant AI versions be avaible to grace period? thats not fair

No, you need to buy a Cubase version, that qualifies for a grace period update - you got yoirs for free

Hopefully because some people paid money for their Cubase.

I paid more money for the keyboard. The steinberg company and Yamaha have some agreements. That’s not a free version of Cubase. If I buy a Roland keyboard there’s no DAW included. I bought the Yamaha keyboard for Cubase too.

Exactly: for the keyboard.

And you got what you paid for - a keyboard with a free version of Cubase.