The topic of the grace period has been discussed many times on the forum, but I couldn’t find anything related to my case, so I’m writing a separate post.
Right now, I’m using Cubase 10, and I realized I didn’t take advantage of the upgrade to version 10.5, which I totally forgot about. As far as I know, if I activate the new license, I can use the grace period and upgrade to version 14, but I’m wondering what steps I need to follow to make sure everything works correctly, since I have the upgrade on the eLicenser system. Also, what should I do to make sure the grace period works in the new activation system?
The only thing that matters:
is it an unised Download Access Code or an unused Activation Code? If it is the latter than you must have already used the DAC which means you would not be eligible for a grace period update.
Until May 2025, it is still possible to activate unused activation codes (which consist of 8 x 4 alphanumeric characters) on the eLicenser and use them to update Cubase 10 to Cubase 10.5, for example. This activation is not done via the Download Assistant, but directly in the eLCC.
If the code is available as a download code (5 x 5 characters), activation is done via the Download Assistant.
In both cases, as far as I know, there is a right to a free update to the current Cubase version 14.
This requires, however, that the eLicenser is registered in the MySteinberg account.
To be on the safe side, you should perhaps contact Steinberg Support again about the question of the free update.
Yes, I agree, that should be possible in any case.
From a legal point of view this is only possible if it is a DAC. At least that is what I have been told. However, it is reported that there have been cases where Steinberg provided users with a free update on a goodwill basis.
Given that the OP should not have an unused DAC I would recommend to kindly ask the support team if a free update would still be possible.
Please correct me if I am wrong!