Grafic export

Dear Community,

for analytical writings I would need graphical exports for a word editor, mainly Tex. What is dorico capable of exporting (which Formats).

What is a good worklflow to export graphics?


Thx, Dan,

okay, lot of settings I guess. What is a good recommendation? I also found a routine like copy paste of graphics in some other standard notation programs to directly put it into processors as word/pages (MacOsX) etc. At the moment I am running on Win10. What is possible here?

Imagine lots of score snippets arranging into a text editor. I also saw a bit on laying out text and! score in dorico2 which looked pretty good, which would be an alternative routine, if it is a good way to layout final analysis documents Text/score snippets here.
It´s all about a fast working routine, checking d2 as a newbie

THX so much!

The beauty of Dorico is that you can create short ‘snippets’ of music as separate Flows; you can place each one separately on a page; you can add text frames; you can change the order of the Flows and insert/delete them.

Exporting graphics and doing it in some DTP app is twice as much work. I guess if it NEEDS to be Tex, then you’re stuck.

Honestly, it depends on what the proportion is of text to music, but I would recommend doing it in Dorico if possible.

The only downside is that the text editor isn’t quite ready for prime time yet. We’re awaiting functionality for linking text frames into chains (you can do this with music frames). Also missing spell-check and other sorts of higher-level document editor features. The team has said the philosophy is to make it quite full-featured as a word processor, so I have no doubt many of these things will be added eventually.

Still, I think Dorico is currently a good choice for something like a sight-singing text. A scholarly paper… maybe not yet.

Okay, but you know to layout a bit for students it has not to be completely perfectly designed. It should have the notion of a bit of layout with surrounding text and such for some shorter papers. THe later book layout can happen in LaTex or so, which is a completely other beast. So I would give the layout capabilities of D2 a chance, wouldn´t you think?

All here said in being aware of looking at a new program with lots of potential, I would feel, but to start out now and setting on this horse so to speak. I like the scoring and the look and feel of the GUI

Thx so much for your experience here!!

I definitely think Dorico’s treatment of text and music frames makes it ideal for documents that combine text with a lot of musical examples.

If you’re going to use it for these sorts of combinations, I would definitely recommend taking some time to learn about frame chains and how to manipulate music frames in engrave mode. It takes a little bit of getting used to, but it’s incredibly powerful.

I (as a quite decent XeLaTeX user) would love the possibility to embed LaTeX inside the text frames — it’s way more powerful than any wysiwyg document maker… But I do not think it’s on the roadmap.

Dear Marc,
I guess, we are some note/text puzzlers here, right? LaTex is a pretty sstandard at least in the academic world, sure.
So why not implementing it as a major standard of the writing world. A lot of musicians teach and need really good layout features for their instructional texts with score examples. The more decent work would be on academic papers and books.
In the history and until now it is a organizing between Text and note editors for sure, struggling with formats and so on to use best of both worlds.

The same method as dividing the composing process in a DAW to a perfectly readable layout of that score in a second step using a notation program. I think its still on the way but not there. So, Thanks, Buddy, I am completely with you. We mightkeep up a bit of acvertising those features in the future updates of D2.


I also use LaTeX a lot (including some very big projects - i.e. 10,000+ pages of text), but I wouldn’t try to use it for anything with a complex layout with “frames” like desktop publishing programs or LaTeX uses. It just isn’t designed for that sort of thing. Even getting text to “flow” round images etc can be a big problem unless the layout is simple.

On the other hand, the “low-level” typography (hyphenation, optical spacing adjustments, etc is certainly in a different class from software like Word. And don’t even think about creating 100,000+ hyperlinked cross references between 10,000+ pages of text in Word, if you want to stay sane…

OT, but I’m curious to hear what sorts of projects require 10,000 pages…! :open_mouth:

There are plenty of multi-volume reference works, handbooks, etc, as big as that. Maybe not so many musical ones as in other fields, but the latest print edition of Grove’s Dictionary is in 29 volumes.

There’s a joke in the aerospace industry, which would be funnier if it wasn’t actually true: You can’t certify a new aircraft as airworthy, until the weight of the documentation equals the weight of the plane.

:astonished: :laughing:

So it is a pretty good idea to think about implementations of higher level standards, Latex certainly is, into a notation program, even if there will be ostacles in realizing this for sure.

This said, Not to forget: I am already happy hving seen, that there is a good oppotunity to work with text in dorico yet as I havent seen before in Software.

I also know that there is a plug In for Latex to write score, but it seems to be PITA to program this

Any legislation, no matter how simple.

Dear Tim,
I think you’re referring to Lilypond. It’s a beautiful program, but truth is I love using XeLaTeX to typeset my documents, but I did hate my experience through Lilypond. The output is really nice, as someone acquainted with TeX would expect. The main difference is that, when I read the source of my documents, I find it very readable. Not with the scores coded in Lilypond. And then came Dorico !
I write all my librettos with XeLaTeX and it offers an unparalleled consistency and quality. I even typeset the french versions of Shortcuts and tokens in Dorico, and last week the translation of Dan Kreider’s Beginners Guide to Dorico.

Sure, Tim, let’s try and convince the team to implement this feature in the text frames!

"XeLaTeX "

I just Googled this thing, and it’s FREE?!

definitely worth a look, based on the comments, by the veterans here! :astonished: :slight_smile:

Dear Derrkins,
It’s free and it’s SOOOO powerful. But since it’s free, there’s no advertisement, no lobbying, no… and as the money makes the world go round, we’re in a silly situation where EVERYBODY uses flawed tools (like word and work-like apps) when this one is there for free, developed by top class engineers for decades…
You’ll need some hours to get acquainted with the way it works, and then it will change the way you’ll typeset documents. No more layout hassle, no more inconsistency, no more time spent uselessly on layout… Everything is about WHAT you write, and it will be look perfect. That’s a little bit how Dorico felt to me when it came out.

No advertising, you said? :wink:

Seriously, though; thanx for the words of encouragement.

It goes on my “To-do” list, for the holidays. :slight_smile:

Xelatex is pretty close to Latex, I guess. Looks good.

How did you implement the graphics from Dorico in the manual. I found no solution to export only certain passages of a full score page with a graphics export. Is that possible? Sometimes I need only a measure or two out of the whole page. I try to avoid the snipping tool or screenshots yet supporting high resolution exports for good results.