Graphic signs

Hello everyone,

What is the way to insert graphic signs (such as indicators with arrows) into the score?

Thank you

Do you have some specific examples to share? Seeing what you’re trying to do would be helpful.

Here is an example (attached) created with Sibelius software

I just kluged together a quick example using *staff-attached text plus a door-style line. In Write Mode they look like this:

But can easily be adjusted in Engrave Mode:

But there might be other and even better ways to achieve this. Will you be needing many instances of the text + arrow? If so, maybe making it as a graphic then inserting it in your Dorico project in a graphic frame (which can then be copied) would give simpler and more consistent results?

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Can you kindly give me a screenshot of the procedure? Unfortunately I don’t know English well and I translate with Google Translate and I can’t understand the procedure well.

Thank you

Write Mode

Engrave Mode

With Graphic Editing engaged, move your word and arrow endpoints as you wish.


Thank you.
You were really very kind :pray:t3::blush: