Graphics frame

Can I make the graphics frame full screen? When I tried, I found myself being limited by the framework😭

Dorico will not you extend a frame outside the page margins.

Thank you ! Is there a way to make this image full screen?

Put the Page margins to 0 in Layout Options/Page Setup/Page Margins, then select your graphic frame, drag it to maximise its size and look at the properties panel Fit mode and choose one:

Be aware that the Page margins are global, so you may want to make this copy of Henle front page in a separate file.

And most importantly, be aware that that layout, trademark and logo are probably copyrighted! (should we expect some new fake Henle scores in the coming times? :wink: )

@William_Ren There is also some (older and newer) videos showing this maximised graphing placement:

and this (from 48:59):

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Thanks for your reminder, I will not publish this sheet music