Gravação Sobreposta Cubase 10.5

Bom dia,

Quando estou a gravar o metrónomo fica gravado na própria musica.

O que devo fazer ?


Joel Cardoso

Hi jbsc27,

Thank you for your message and a warm welcome to the Cubasis forum!

Quando estou a gravar o metrónomo fica gravado na própria musica.

Normally, this should not be the case, when you use an external audio device for recording.

Of course, the metronome sound will be included, when you use the internal device mic for recordings and playback the metronome via the iOS device speakers. Same goes for crosstalk, where the sound of a headphone gets recorded through the mic.

Please let us have more details about your setup.

Alongside, please check our Getting started with Cubasis tutorial, which also includes guides how to record audio signals such as vocals, guitar and bass. Please find jump markers in the description, which links to dedicated chapters of the clip.

Hope that helps!

Enjoy making music
& stay healthy!