graver un CD audio

Etant nouveau sur wavelab, comment fait-on pour graver un CD audio , dans quel menu ?
J’ai essayé en passant par ‘graver un CD/DVD de données’ mais ça m’a gravé le .wav sur le CD mais pas au format CD audio …
Et quand je suis dans la fenêtre montage audio je ne vois aucun raccourci pour aller graver un CD au format red book audio … ? merci de votre aide pour un pôv noob :smiley:


Being new on wavelab, how do we make to burn an audio CD, in which menu?
I tried ’ to burn a CD / DVD of data ’ but that burnt me the .wav on the CD but not in the audio CD format …
And when I am in the window audio editing I see no shortcut to go to burn a CD in the red book format ? Thank you for your help for a poor newbee :smiley:

Please read the chapter about Audio Montages.

I read it in ‘help’ there are explanations for the function but there aren’t indications where are the functions … it seems …

Options/Personnaliser les commandes/ → ajouter CD dans la barre de menu. Dedans il y a graver un CD audio.

Options/commands personnalize/ add CD in the toolbar. There is ‘burn a CD’ into the toolbox.

to burn .wav audio you must go in Audio Montage. create a new empty montage, then after opening the .wav file/files you want to burn, on the same track of the montage, you have to open the window called CD (right click on the menu bar, then choose “CD”).
Now, in this window called CD, you have all the options to burn your audio cd, including CD-Text, pauses between songs etc.

yes that was that I understood thanks.

It’s not easy to use a new software ! :smiley:

I am having trouble with the DDP Image function in WL 7.1. From montage I ask to have a DDP made, but the resulting files - Image.dat, checksum.mds, checksum.txt, DDPid, and DDPms will not open the DDP when asked to import into wavelab. Are these the correct files? How can I import them successfully into wavelab? If there is a readme, please let me know where to find it. Any other help will be appreciated. The Help file in wavelab did not help solve my problem. Also, is there an easy way to make a .cd file as in wavelab 6? :slight_smile: