Groove agent 5 "the Kit" all samples missing?

Who have bought Groove Agent 5 ?.
All samples in “the Kit” are missing.
Steinberg download assistend gives “update the kit”
But the stay missing.
Anyone can help me ?.

I had to reinstall everything not too long ago. Seems like I remember running into this after running an update or something.

I’m not ‘sure’, but I think I resolved it by using the Steinberg Library manager to:

  1. Move the libraries to a temp folder on my desktop.
    There are two that I moved.
    The Kit
    The Kit SE

  2. Make a backup of this folder.

  3. Use Library Manager to Remove the two libraries,

  4. Go into the backup directory I made in step 2. Double click any of the VSTSound files in there.

  5. Register the libraries and let the manager move them back to the default location (or where you want them to live).

Hello Brian,

Thanks for thinking about the solution.
Are corrupt.
Come from the original 32GB download steinberg site
Message “get new Copy”, of course does not help in this case.
Maybe someone, have these files in good state, en can and will these send via an FTP site, or Wetransfer.
It should help me a lot.

I ‘suspect’ it has something to do with one of those ‘SE patches’.

Try reinstalling GA 5 itself (not the content), but do NOT run those ‘content updates’. See if that gets ya there?

If not, you might grab the latest GA SE and install that.

Could it be that there are duplicate programs in two different VSTsound files that are throwing a wrench into things?

Still trouble? Maybe remove GA 5, and GA SE both if you have them. Put them back together by installing SE first, then GA 5.

I wish I remembered ‘exactly’ what I did, in what order…but I was able to get it sorted by messing around with reinstalls of the core apps and content.

Oh, and yes, I’ll be glad to put pass on the files when I can get to my DAW PC (after 1PM CST today) if you still need them.

Everything sugestion, I have done.
But the vstsound files stay missing.
The whole iso file is broken.
Steinberg, has no download other/good files.
Can you pass me those files, or other way to get them ?.
Maybe it is night on your place now.
My local time (The Netherlands) 07:39

I am in the process of zipping and uploading.
There will be two archives uploaded. One for The KIT SE, and another for The Kit GA.

When it’s all done it’ll hopefully show up in this drop-box:

Yikes, not enough room there…The Kit is just under 20gig zipped!

The SE one is uploading now. It is under 2gig but will take 5 hours or so to uplaod. Plus I have to head out of town before that’s done.

Got a spot I can drop a 20gig file?
Or I can do it parts I guess, but about to head out of town for a few days.

I can read your Google drive.
Not enough room I think.
One for One (Up Down) maybe, if you had time to do it ?.

Are you Ketron fan also ?.
Myself I have SD9, SD90 and Yamaha Genos.
Making Audio drums with Cubase is what I want to do.
Result not good for now.

I’ve taken care of the space issue. It’s uploading and will probably take a while.There will be 5 VSTSound archives in 2 directories once it’s all there.

Hi Brian,

Same issue with both:

I downloaded the library of GA5 from the Steinberg website (it doesnt appear on my SDA):
I have downloaded and update GASE from SDA and try everything on this post