Groove Agent SE 5 dissapeared on cubase pro 12

I had a problem with Cubase 12 crashing. It would open only with vst3s disabled. So then I took all the vst3 s out, and loaded them back one by one, reopening cubase each time. They all loaded fine, but when I put back in GA SE5 although Cubase opened ok, GA did not appear in the ‘New Track - Instruments’ drop down or in the VSTi tab. Any project I had with GA involved would not load GA either.

Everything used to work fine including GA and for no reason that I am aware of when I tried loading GA on an instrument track Cubase froze up. Then it wouldn’t even start without disabling all VST3s.

Can anyone help me please.



In the Studio > VST Plug-in Manager, select the plug-in, click to Plug-in Information. Make sure, the plug-in is not hidden.

Hi Martin, thanks. I checked it out and GA doesnt appear anywhere in the plugin manager either in ‘FX’, ‘Instruments’ or ‘Blocked’.

So when I use Steinberg Download Assistant to reinstall Groove Agent SE 5 (v. 5.2.10), the instal fails with ‘Installation failed due to an Unknown Error’ dialog box.

Have you deinstalled Groove Agent before you did that?

How do you do that?

If you are on Windows you will find GA listed under programmes behind the Win key. Here, you should find a dedicated deinstaller.
