I have tried all the troubleshooting options. Cubase continually shuts down while trying using Groove Agent SE5, so that would be every 3 to 4 minutes. PLEASE HELP !
No information about the system… no help possible.
When you say system, are you referring to the computer ?
If you ask for help you need to tell details about your Operating System, your installed software and the releases. Just saying GA SE is not working is the same as if I tell you my car does not start, why is it doing that.
Operating System:
iMac 27" 2017
3.5Ghz Quad Core i5
RAM 40GB 2400 MHz DDR4
macOS Monterey
Cubase Artist 12 Version 12.0.52
Ok, that is at least telling the most important information.
Unfortunately I’m not using any kind of Apple device, so I can’t help you here, but there are other users that do have Apple and can help you getting forward.
What you could do is upload crash dump files, if there are any. They usually tell some deeper information about what is going on.