I have to ask once again:
I want to use the “Nashville”- and the “Simon Phillips Jazz”- Packages on a second Device. It’s installed but not to use (It shows a red “minus” in the media bay).
Lately I was told here that I can use EVERY license on 3 Devices.
Are thoose GrooveAgent Extensions excluded?
And of course you activated them on the device?
to be honest: I´m looking for a way to aktivate them and I don´t find nothing in the Activation Manager or elsewhere?
Of course I activated the GrooveAgent5 (in the Absolute6 Bundle), but where and how to activate the “Nashville” or “Simon Phillips” Kits?
They don´t show up in the Activation Manager?
any hint for me?
Update them in your account to the latest license. There should be vouchers available.
Otherwise, you need the eLicenser to use them.
Hi st10ss,
seems that I´m too blind.
I just don´t find any way to activate thoose Kits.
even the e lincenser, which I never had to deal with except my first Cub 11 installation, I can´t find anything.
I downloaded my actual account dates (the .json file) but where can I use this?
Could it be that I have to download the Kits with original download access key?
Hi st,
no, they don´t appear in one of thoose lists.
They are shown in the elicenser of my MAIN-PC, but not in the elicenser of my laptop.
I tried to use the ActivationKey from the Main-PC, but it says that it con only be used one time.
I opened a support ticket, but maybe you know how switch the elicenses between those two devices.
anyway…thank you very much !!!
You need to register the products with your account.
The eLicenser system with soft-eLicenser is not able to make the products work at different systems.
but HOW do I do this registration with my account?
Dear Steffen !
I got it made !!!
Thank you sooo much !
Steinberg send me 2 “Gutscheine” to upgrade those two licenses.
I´m happy that I did that just because I wanted to use them on the other devices.
I simply didn´t know/remember that these licenses were stuck to the “old” elicenser…I would have missed the end of that system and that would have caused some kind of trouble/hustle and costs…
So, I hope everybody is aware that there might be some licenses to be upgraded to “My Steinberg”.
Thank You once again…you made my day…and more!!!