I often work a project with all tracks from an Album/EP in it, but when it comes to exporting the stems, the stems do not follow the master tracks end time, but will often either adopt the overall project end times if longer songs in the album. or the stems natural end time where the signal ends, which may or may not be the same as the songs end time from the master. It’s not a big issue, but it does mean exported stems are typically all random lengths and engineers prefer to receive stems that are the same length and match the master.wav. It would be great if the groups folder containing the song could fix the stem length on export. e.g. here’s a song imported at 146.939 seconds long and a little script I write to deal with this issue before handing the stems over to the engineer. As you can see there’s 3 different stem lengths, so this script simply trims/appends each SpectraLayers stem to be that of the selected track/stem (usually the master.wav) demixed from.