I want to group tracks quickly. Would be nice to just select tracks, and and use command “Send selected tracks to Group”, which would create group channel somewhere near selected tracks and do all the routing automatically.
Thats a great idea! I can imagine tech reasons why the Group track might need to be created first but, if you had to do that, once it was created, being able to just select all of the tracks you want to route to it (ctrl+left click) and drag and drop them onto the new group track would be almost as easy.
It is time (I am all for multi-inst VST tracks) but logically it is the MIDI side that would need to be fixed first, since even for stereo out one cannot use lanes for example to feed mult-timbral instrument tracks.
In other words, the convenience factor is far from what it could be notwithstanding midi alone.
Unless of course our Steinberg friends can do it all at once which I believe they can but as a user the priority must be on audio generally, regardless of how it is rendered and/or generated.
I forgot how many times I have asked this feature.
I’m sure Steinberg will give us this and other good news.
Well I wouldn’t be so sure as they already provided the ability to route all selected tracks to a group (as I just described)
I would guess that therefore the priority of doing this plus creating the group is not going to be the highest priority…it’s only a single right click/select difference to the method requested to create the group first now the routing can all be done in one go.
But selecting the tracks and assigning them to not made group channel yet would be great. So you select the tracks and make a group in a fly like with folder tracks now.
There have been many moves towards this kind of “less clicking” workflow as of late, eg setting up of tracks so these are good ideas.
It’s been said many times though to have Track Presets for things like groups, as well as a super preset format to encompass the rack; would be the ultimate cool but I guess only so much can be done at any one time and we best simply put forward our views so they can be read (and moved) to the lounge
haha. I knew I must have missed something…Thanks Hugh
It’s because of the way I work, I spend much more time in arrangement view than mixer window.
It would be awesome to see it there one day. Anyway, still a good news…