GUI Readability

Am I the only person who has a really hard time to read the smaller portions of the GUI, especially the properties region?

I have a 28" 4k display @ native resolution and I find it extremely difficult to decipher the small text font. I’m little over 40 and wearing glasses, and while I definitely would not object against a little larger font size for those elements it is not that I have problems in general with small text sizes.

But in Dorico the lack of contrast makes it really hard for me. Medium gray text on dark gray background might be an interesting design choice for an ad, but for reading information from quite frequently it’s a nightmare.

And yes, I tried switching to light mode. At the first moment I felt I was blinded, but I could adjust to that if it just were any better. But the contrast here is even worse. Come on, light gray text on blinding white background?

Please make in dark mode the font color in the properties section at least the same (white) as in the toolbox region, for example, and in light mode make it simply black.

Thanks for your feedback, MassMover. In fact we take great care to ensure that the contrast in Dorico’s user interface is sufficient to meet the highest AAA rating as defined by the WCAG guidelines, and Dorico 3’s user interface in fact has higher contrast than previous versions. However, I suspect that the real issue is simply that the text is a bit too small on your large 4K display. If you’re using Windows you’re currently limited to effectively 100% or 200% scale and cannot achieve 125% or 150% scale factors, due to a limitation in the way the Qt application framework that Dorico uses works. However, we expect to be able to improve this and make it possible to use a wider range of scale factors in the next Dorico feature update, which we hope to be available before the end of the year.

Daniel, I’m not understanding your point about scaling factors. I’m on Windows in 4K and am able to scale correctly to 125, 150, and 175. At least it looks correct to me.

No, you’re not actually able to scale to those scale factors. When your Windows display scale factor is set to 125%, Dorico is scaled to 100%; when you set Windows to 150%, Dorico is scaled to 200%. The Qt framework cannot currently handle non-integral scale factors (i.e. 100% = 1, 200% = 2, which are integral, but 125% = 1.25 and 150% = 1.5, which are not). But the forthcoming Qt 5.14 release provides new tools to address this, and although it is not yet complete we have been testing against the alpha and beta versions, and we believe it will be possible to provide proper support for all Windows display scale factors in our next feature update.

Well, I’m on mac, but I do not understand what scaling has to do with it. Of course, I can zoom in and out on the musical content. What I have difficulties with is the GUI elements at the bottom of the window, and those stay the same size whatever zoom factor I apply to the music. And, as I mentioned, the size is not my main problem For example, the names of the Layouts on the right side of the window in setup mode seem to be the same size, but plain white on blueish background, which I can totally read.

I know that I can scale the screen resolution in the macOS preferences, but I’d hather have the full 4k amount of pixels I paid for at hand …