So i switched over from Win to MacOS 15.2 and on a 4k 40 inch screen it´s almost impossible to read or identify anything.
As there seems to be no option to change GUI and text sizes and Cubase does not seem to take over MacOS text settings right now the only way to work is to reduce the resolution of the OS before opening Cubase.
I think in 2025 that should not be necessary and hope for a resizable GUI or some kind of high resloution mode.
There is already already a long thread I created about this (and other design problems in Cubase 13+):
I and other people have the exact same problems especially with the font sizes on higher screen resolutions. I also opened a support ticket with Steinberg regarding those issues.
Steinberg replied to both my ticket and in the thread, not really admitting that there is a problem, but that they are “taking the criticism into consideration”, promising nothing of course, but I think we’ve made ourselves heard a bit.
As i´m using a PC and a Mac, both running the latest Cubase on the same 40 inch screen, i can assure you: that feature is not available on Mac. Cubase looks way better and is more readable on PC. Despite knowing it i just double checked again, just to check on my sanity. Seems to be still in place.
MacOS has no Scaling like Windows (only way to achieve a similar effect is to lower the resolution), and Cubase on Mac simply misses the whole HiDPI box in the general menu, so it can not even be activated, despite being able to further adjust the scaling.
It’s also a very clumsy workaround, because it scales everything, not only the fonts, and you lose valuable real estate e.g. in the arrangement window (which kinda negates the reason why one bought a bigger monitor in the first place), and then there are also 3rd-party plugins that don’t work at all with HDPI-scaling and become essentially unusable…
Yeah of course resizable Retrologue, Padshop etc. while keeping crisp resolution would be great.
Their GUI is bitmap-based, so I think vectorized graphics would mean to completely re-do interfaces. Another way would be discrete sizes to choose like Arturia’s plugins 100%, 120%, 140%, …, 200% using high-res bitmap graphics in different resolutions.